“Suicide By XXX Sex” claudy


“Suicide By XXX Sex”

In every mid to large city in the USA there are places where some gay men meet to have anonymous sex.  These orgies are well known by the police and the authorities and regularly raided but for the most part tolerated.  The common consensus on this phenomenon maybe an attitude of as long as they are spreading AIDS amongst themselves better them than others.  In fact that is exactly what is going at these places.

AIDS is a very unique disease because each time it is transmitted it changes DNA.  Most diseases once you are infected you can’t be more infected because you already have the disease.  That is different with AIDS because of the DNA change reinfection is adding one more major illness each time transmitted.

In Hillsborough County Florida where my hometown of Tampa is, there are over 7200 persons with AIDS.  The overwhelming majority of which are gay men.  That is a lot of people and a lot of infection and believed to be less than half of the actual count.  Considering most of the participants in these orgies have very low self esteems and many hate the fact they are gay.  Most live closeted lives and seek and have unprotected anonymous sex.  Such behaviors are much more than risky they are suicidal.  Many of these men do not want to live and have a death wish.   When a man can acquire 20 major illnesses in one evening of so called fun it can not be anything other than what it is…Suicide By Sex.


7 thoughts on ““Suicide By XXX Sex” claudy

    • Sadly adults have the right to choose their own fate. Very hard to know about but really it comes down to personal responsibility. Mark Twain probably said it best when he said, “Youth is wasted on the young”. Thanks for caring! claudy

  1. Nice post. Unfortunately i do not understand why condoms are not being used to prevent diseases? People can go to orgies and have sex with whomever they want but there’s always ways to be more or less safe.

    • Correct! you can have a blast and use protection but these certain few have a wish for death because they can not accept their orientation. Sad to know but really if someone is determined to die they will usually succeed. Today with AIDS you can live relatively normal life and life span except the average person lives just a little more than 5 years at diagnosis of AIDS. The key word is relative! Relative to behavior and lifestyle. That is why the difference in years with diagnosis seems so much less because each infection is another major illness on your medical chart and there is only so much a body can take…. Thanks, claudy

  2. I have a gay brother who has lived 25 yrs. with HIV, on meds since the beginning! He hates them but his partner has never been infected and, importantly, he’s still here to encourage others. A very important topic to spread the word about. Thank you.

    • Yes Ma’am! So true and I personally have remained uninfected but have lost so many friends you would think I was exaggerating. The fact is today you can live a relatively normal life and normal lifespan with HIV/AIDS. That is “relative” to your behavior and lifestyle. Sadly in my county the average person diagnosed with HIV/AIDS lives just a little more than 5 years from diagnosis. We ask why? Because they continue to reinfect themselves or have infected themselves so many times over they cannot survive. I remember so many died not knowing why and to think that so many, less than before, but a whole lot still die purposely when just a simple condom during anal sex and only during anal sex would keep them healthy and alive. It really angers me to be honest but really there is nothing anyone can do. If someone is intent on killing themselves they usually succeed. It is actually very few compared to the masses but when they get together it sure seems like a lot. I thank you for you frank and honest comment and look forward to reading some of your own work…. Thanks again, claudy

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